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seanSean Higgins

I am thrilled to be the principal of FDR K-8 School. Everyday I get to interact with students, parents, and staff to help foster academic excellence, and social and emotional health in our 400 students. I couldn't imagine a better job.

My career as an educator began in 1999. I spent many years teaching elementary grades before transitioning to middle school. I have worked in elementary schools, middle schools, and K-8 schools. What I love about a K-8 school is that the very real and stressful transition from elementary school to middle school is significantly reduced. Younger students witness how normal middle school is and middle school students can learn and mature in the safety of an elementary school environment. Both groups of students learn how to interact with one another so everyone becomes more accepting and nurturing of each other. 

I look forward to working at FDR for many years. I've said many times that our view is spectacular, but what's inside is truly amazing. If you've been a part of our school for any length of time, then you know exactly what I mean. If you are new, then please come visit and experience for yourself why FDR is such a great school. 


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